
Mémodio is a service for the preservation of individual and collective memory in the form of sound capsules.

By recording your stories and testimonials, Mémodio offers you to leave your loved ones a trace, a legacy that they can listen to and listen to again at will.

Mémodio is your audio biography.

What for ?

Mémodio offers you the possibility to put your memory in sharing mode for those who matter to you.

Mémodio allows you to share your thoughts, ideas, experiences and moods, through your voice.

Mémodio allows you to keep a living track of yourself.

Mémodio gives a voice to your memories.
Inspired by both the griots of Africa and ancient oral traditions, Mémodio wants to bequeath the memory of the ancients and also of the people who wish to transmit this memory by making it available in the form of sound recordings, because each being who dies is a library that disappears.
Memory is important, and the voice that transmits it is the sounding board.
Everyone's voice is unique and recognizable, it conveys all the nuances of your emotions.
Thus, a recording prolongs a person's memory.
This is the difference between the score and the recorded music.

Mémodio becomes the music of our life and can be listened to in intimacy or in sharing, in fragment or in long format, like a record or a radio show.
We will all disappear, but "your music" can be played and it will resonate in eternity.
Great men and women take biographers and fill libraries with their masterful lives.

Thanks to Mémodio everyone becomes their own biographer, sharing their own story, thoughts, ideas, experiences, moods, hopes, anecdotes, laughter and tears through their own voice.

Mémodio documents and archives you on those we love and for future generations.

Mémodio is for others to remember you.
It is a broadcast of your life for those who love you and want to listen to your story or listen to the sound of your voice, which is the reflection of your soul.
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but a word is worth a thousand images, especially when it is your voice.

Mémodio is a confidential service and a product that belongs to you.

Memodio is your audio legacy, your audio biography.

How ?

Mémodio offers you a sound recording and editing service that allows you to capture your thoughts, ideas, experiences and moods through your voice, an indelible sound imprint.
The recording can take different forms, depending on your personality, an in situ interview with an outside speaker or a relative, guiding the interview, a conversation or a free flow of anecdotes and thoughts.
The idea is really that the subject is as comfortable as possible so that he indulges and spends a pleasant time remembering and transmitting.
The absence of image, camera, shadow and light creates a safe and free environment where no one is called upon to play a role, but rather to be oneself in all simplicity without worrying about one's appearance.
With audio no need to wear makeup, it is a dignified medium, modest, accessible even to shy people.

Mémodio moves to the place where you are most comfortable recording your voice.

Mémodio also has a recording studio, if that's what suits you best.
This recording is then processed in editing and mixing in order to transform this recording into a sound capsule of the highest quality.
This process will take care not to modify the speaker's voice, but simply to bring it out with warmth and proximity by including, if desired, ambient sounds, effects and perhaps even music to dress up this story and make it pleasant to listen to.
The effect must be to listen to someone tell you stories that will make you laugh or cry, but especially that will make you live emotions.
Thus your life becomes a real story to share that we listen to endlessly every time the heart tells us.
Everyone can choose to make their story public or share it only with a certain group of individuals or bequeath to an individual the responsibility for your sound heritage.

Mémodio offers and gives you access to your recordings in the form of sound capsules, via a personalized USB card containing audio files and also secure and confidential "Cloud" access to download your audio documents.

For whom ?

If you have lived, Mémodio is for you.

Mémodio assumes that everyone has a story to tell, and if the subject doesn't think that's the case, we have speakers to guide them.
It is important to convey not only one's story, but also the sound of one's voice, to leave a sound imprint to continue to be in the lives of those we leave behind.
It is a way to accompany them and for them to remember your sound and resonance.

Mémodio is for everyone, famous or not, because everyone is important and humanity is the sum of all your experiences, traditions and stories.

Mémodio is for everyone, individuals, families and communities, those who want to preserve a life, an experience, a language, a story to share.

Mémodio is a concept that can be offered in a set of funeral services.

Mémodio can be for oneself, to remember in case of memory loss due to an event, an accident or to patients in the first phase of Alzheimer's to be a kind of memory aid.

Mémodio can be offered in retirement homes or in a palliative care center, to accompany a patient and help him make him more serene compared to what awaits him.

Mémodio can be proposed to communities in order to preserve their oral history, to transmit to future generations the language of their elders, the expressions that forge tradition, the archives of a community and to preserve the particularity and richness of their culture.

Mémodio can be proposed as a sound installation as part of an exhibition for museums.

In conclusion

Mémodio, the audio memory of your story.

Mémodio, your audio legacy.

Mémodio, your personal or collective audio biography.

If Mémodio interests and challenges you, contact us to discuss our services and develop a project with you.

Hoping to hear your voice soon.

Best regards and cordial greetings,

Michel Charron / IMDB

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